Eastern regional public health delegation : Dr Albert Mambo Maka at the helm


The technical handover ceremony between the outgoing and incoming delegates of public health from the East was chaired on February 16, 2024 in Bertoua, by the Secretary General of regional services, representative of the governor of the Eastern region.

Following Order No. 0040 of the Minister of Public Health, signed on January 17, 2024, Dr. Albert Mambo Maka is appointed regional public health delegate for the East. He replaces Dr José Prosper ANDJEMBÉ ESSOLA appointed by the same Order to the position of regional public health delegate for the Southern Region. In two years and four months of hard work spent at the head of the Eastern Regional Public Health Delegation, Dr. José Prosper Andjembé Essola raised the said region to the top in terms of health performance. “Thanks to the constant support of our hierarchy, the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie, thanks to the dynamism, the determination of our collaborators and the support of the media that the Eastern region has always been among the three best regions in terms of health performance,” explains Dr José Prosper Andjembé Essola, outgoing Regional Delegate of Public Health for the East.

This Friday, February 16, 2024, he passes the baton to his counterpart Dr. Albert Mambo Maka, previously Regional Public Health Delegate for the Littoral. “We are convinced that with the experience, dynamism and determination of Dr Albert Mambo Maka, new regional public health delegate for the East, this region which is already among the best in terms of health performance in Cameroon, will remain so for many years,” rejoices Dr José Prosper Andjembé Essola.

It was within the premises of the Eastern Regional Public Health Delegation that the technical handover ceremony took place between these men of science, steeped in experience. During the said ceremony, the Secretary General of the Eastern regional services saluted the immense work carried out by the outgoing Regional Delegate. To the incoming delegate, the representative of the Governor of the Eastern region prescribes a course of action necessary for achieving the missions assigned to him. “By taking charge of the Eastern Regional Public Health Delegation, you become the father of all your colleagues. As such, you must guide them, supervise them, encourage them and of course reprimand them when necessary. Close your doors to crooked employees who specialize in badmouthing their colleagues. Try to preserve order, discipline and a peaceful working climate so that your colleagues give the best of themselves,” advises Théophile Nguia Beina, Secretary General of the Eastern regional services. This technical handover ceremony sees the presence of a strong delegation from the Littoral to accompany Dr Albert Mambo Maka in his new region of residence.