Fight against HIV/AIDS: The threat of a crisis in viral load testing supplies in the ...
The majority of health facilities are under threat of a silent but potentially devastating crisis in the fight against HIV/AIDS. ...Autistic Inclusive education system would be the best therapy
Inclusive education aims to include all pupils in mainstream education, including those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This means that ...Bark of the kolatier tree Used as an aphrodisiac to increase libido and sexual ...
The bark of the kolatier tree contains caffeine, theobromine and colatierine, alkaloids that stimulate the central nervous system. It ...Félicité Health Centre A hospital faced with unpaid bills from refugees and vulnerable patients
The Félicité Health Centre, located in the Mefou and Afamba division, Centre region, is facing a major challenge: unpaid bills ...Dr Colette Taka Joro “The fight against drugs is multi-sectoral”.
The Permanent Secretary of the National Anti-Drug Committee (CNLD), the 2024-2030 National Plan to Combat Drugs was adopted on 4 ...Yaoundé : Drug thieves arrested
The alleged thieves were presented to the press on the morning of May 2, 2023 at the Judicial Police Headquarters ...Hepatitis C treatment : The Minsanté reduces the price of the drug by 50%.
This is the substance of a press release signed on 03 May 2023, by the Minister of Public Health, Manaouda ...Hepatitis C : The price of the drug has been lowered
This is the content of a communiqué published on 03 May 2023 by the Minister of Public Health. The letter ...Self-medication : How people give themselves over to deathHow death
Many Cameroonians, when faced with illness, resort to medicines without prescription, at great risk to their health. Divine KANANYET Headaches ...The danger of self-medicationThe medication
Dr Patrick Ngou, a paediatrician, following the deaths caused by Naturcold syrup in the NOSO, published an article on social ...