SODIBBAM inaugurates a well at Ngog Lituba : A step into the future for local communities


SODIBBAM (Solidarité Diaspora Basa’a-Bati-Mpo’o) has just completed an ambitious project: the construction of a well at Ngog Lituba, located in the commune of Nyanon, some 80 km from Edéa, in the coastal region of Cameroon. This initiative is designed to address the shortage of drinking water affecting local populations and pilgrims visiting the site considered sacred by the Bassa people.

The choice of Ngog Lituba is not innocent. The site is steeped in history and culture for the Bassa people, symbolizing their identity and serving as a source of inspiration for their epics and legends. It is also a major tourist attraction, drawing visitors from all over the world to admire its natural beauty and rich history. However, despite its importance, the village lacked a dignified well, leaving inhabitants and visitors with limited access to drinking water.

The construction of this well by SODIBBAM therefore represents an important step towards improving the living conditions of local populations and fostering sustainable development in the region. By providing drinking water, the project aims to contribute to the health and well- being of communities, while encouraging cooperation between the various local players.

This initiative is partly funded by members of the Basa’a, Batí and Mpo’o diaspora, who have responded to SODIBBAM’s appeal from around the world. The association has also received the support of the local community, traditional authorities and religious leaders, all of whom have contributed to the project’s success.

The completion of this well is a concrete example of SODIBBAM’s determination to contribute to the development of the region and all Bassa communities. The association hopes that this project will serve as a catalyst for the coordination of development efforts in the region, and that it will help meet the aspirations of local populations.

In addition, SODIBBAM invites all Bassa personalities and organizations to join them in this mission to develop their homeland, working together on projects that will benefit local people and visitors alike. To this end, they hope to create a lasting legacy that will honor future generations.

As Adonis Minouè NDJEE, SODIBBAM’s Communications Secretary, points out: “The heirs of those who have died, we are the Providence of those who will be born. We are part of the chain. The success of this project depends on the collaboration of all Bassa people, and it is a call to action for all those who share a common heritage to work together towards a better future.