Flore Kiemeka, Vice-President of the Association of Midwives and Assimilated of Cameroon (ASFAC)


“Cameroonians do not know the profession of midwifery”

“May 5 is the International Day of the Midwife. As a prelude to this celebration, the Association of Midwives and Similar of Cameroon wanted to organise a campaign in the district centre of Tsinga, to sensitise the population on the profession of midwifery. This is simply because many Cameroonians do not know the profession of midwifery, nor its role. As a prelude to this event, we have organised this campaign, not only to raise awareness of the profession of midwifery, but above all to offer free care to the community, so that it can understand the role of midwives in health facilities, which is to reduce the mortality rate and neonatal in Cameroon.
We offer prenatal consultations, we do post-natal consultations, we do HIV/AIDS screening, sexually transmitted infections, cervical cancer screening, paediatric consultations and vaccination. The population is really happy with this initiative. At the same time, it is an opportunity for these people to discover the Tsinga district medical centre. People come, not only to discover the centre, but also to benefit from the free health care offers”.