Election to the Ordre des professions médico-sanitaires Nurse: Dr. Melkior Fobasso Dzeuta will not be a candidate for the Presidency of the Order


This information was released to the press at the close of the third Ordinary Council of the Order of Medical and Health Professions, Nurses, Midwives and Medical and Health Technicians, held in Yaoundé on March 21, 2024. The Order’s 7th Ordinary Elective General Meeting is scheduled for June 20, 2024.

 In three years, Dr. Melkior Fobasso Dzeta has registered more than 11,600 medical and health personnel with the Order, digitized registrations and launched the construction of the headquarters building. Thanks to these initiatives, annual membership fees are now close to 80 million CFA francs. The Order is now recognized internationally, and will soon be recognized by the International Council of Nurses.

 “I won’t be a candidate. I say it out loud”. Dr. Melkior Fobasso Dzeta is a republican legalist. He does what he says and says what he does. After 3 years at the head of the Ordre des professions médico-sanitaires Infirmier, sage-femme et technicien médico-sanitaire (OPMS), he has decided not to stand again, despite calls for candidacy. This was during the 3rd ordinary council of his mandate, on March 21, 2024, in Yaoundé. During this meeting, Dr. Melkior Fobasso Dzeta, the outgoing President, announced that one of his strong recommendations was the effective organization of the 7th Ordinary Elective General Assembly of the Order of Medical and Health Professionals, on June 20, 2024.

During this elective General Meeting, new councillors and a new board will be elected. The Yaoundé meeting was attended by OPMS national president Melkior Fobasso Dzeta; vice- president Moussa Hamadou Satou; secretary Xaverie Innocente Mantsana Nyebe; treasurer Jacqueline Houta; and auditor Ndibi Abanda.

The beginning of change had been set in motion in March 2021, and today we can see that change on the ground and in initiatives turned towards professionals. “Our role is to protect the public by ensuring the best possible quality of healthcare service,” explains the promoter of center médical les rois mages, at center de sante les rois mages.

The Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite is the president who modernized the OPMS. This was the resolution reached at the OPMS board meeting chaired by the National President, Melkior Fobasso Dzeta, on August 18, 2023, in Yaoundé. According to the National President, this digitization aims to make the order more efficient and accessible to users. “The link to access this platform is: https//opms.cm.

To take the census, click on “Je me fais recenser”, just below the “Login” button, then fill in the form. At the end, click on the Submit button. You’ll receive an e-mail containing your identification details. “Dr Melkior Fobasso Dzeta, informs nurses, midwives and medical

technicians that this digitalization is intended to guarantee not only quality care for the Cameroonian population, but also greater professional development.

Management will be fast and in real time. “When a member registers with a region, the region processes the file, and the central level sees how the file is progressing in real time. As a result, when it comes to transmitting member-related files, there will be no more hassle. “Immediately, the central level will be able to download the history of all the members whose files have already been processed, and carry out additional processing”, confides Edy Michel Tchokouani, head technician at Geekanics SARL.

In addition, given that the texts governing the operation of this Order date back to 1984, the Chairman is optimistic that these texts will be renewed.

Elvis Serge NSAA