West Cameroon Region : The humanitarian association Care for all at the service of women farmers


As announced in a previous release, the women’s association named ASSOCIATION BRAVES DAMES TAGNE WAFO from the village of TOMGHEM by BAYANGAM, was honoured on April 22, 2023 by the team of the humanitarian association CARE FOR ALL.


In the department of Koung-Khi, more precisely in the village of TOMGHEM in the district of BAYANGAM, in the presence of SM TAGNE WAFO, head of the 3rd degree of the said village, the humanitarian association CARE FOR ALL offered improved seeds of beans and maize to the amazons of the earth. These seeds, selected by the agricultural engineer who came fro m IRAD for the occasion, were very welcome. The presence of the latter in the ranks of CARE FOR ALL led to exchanges of more than an hour with the reci

pients with a view to better orientation.








As a prelude to the ceremony, after a well-deserved welcome, the founding president of the CARE FOR ALL association, MARCEL KAYO FOAGUAM, took the floor and presented the association as well as its guidelines, including SUPPORT FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT. The ceremony, which was rich in colour and emotion, began at 10 a.m. sharp and was scheduled to last no more than two hours, ended at 2 p.m. It is in a climate of confidence and satisfaction that the CARE FOR ALL humanitarian team left the village of TOMGHEM, leaving its beneficiaries in an unparalleled euphoria. This is an opportunity to thank Mrs. EDITH BANGA without whom this activity would never have been such a resounding success.