Red clover : A plant with many virtues


Because of its expectorant and antispasmodic action, red clover also helps to soothe coughs, asthma and bronchial ailments in general.


Depurative, diuretic, antispasmodic, expectorant… Red clover has many properties. One of the best known is its ability to relieve menopausal symptoms. These symptoms are numerous, unpleasant, and vary according to the woman: mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, temporary fatigue, etc. They are caused in part by the drop in estrogen production during this period. The therapeutic benefits of red clover are linked to its high content of isoflavones. These plant substances are close to the female hormones – oestrogens – and have oestrogenic activity. This means that they can induce effects in the body that are comparable to oestrogen. In other words, isoflavones can stimulate the low level of oestrogen in menopausal women, which is the cause of symptoms such as hot flushes. Because of its expectorant and antispasmodic action, red clover also helps to soothe coughs, asthma and bronchial ailments in general. In terms of nutrition, this plant has many advantages. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, and trace elements such as chromium, copper, iron, zinc and selenium. It also contains vitamins C, B, E and K. The leaves (raw or cooked), flowers and sprouted seeds can be cooked. Its richness in nutrients and its depurative action also allow it to contribute to the health of the hair and the skin. Red clover can be taken as an infusion, capsule or mother tincture. It can also be applied externally
(cream, lotion or soaked compress) to relieve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and skin ulcers, and to promote wound healing. Like red clover, there are other products rich in isoflavones. These include soybean foods. Because of its high concentration of isoflavones, red clover has some contraindications. These substances can have serious side effects. For example, this plant should not be used by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also not recommended if you are taking anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication. Balanced nutrition
In terms of nutrition, this plant has many advantages. It is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium,
and trace elements such as chromium, copper, iron, zinc and selenium. It also contains vitamins C, B, E and K. The leaves (raw or cooked), flowers and sprouted seeds can be cooked. Its richness in nutrients and its depurative action also allow it to contribute to the health of the hair and the skin.
Red clover can be taken as an infusion, capsule or mother tincture. It can also be applied externally (cream, lotion or soaked compress) to relieve skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and skin ulcers, and to promote wound healing. Like red clover, there are other products rich in isoflavones. These include soybean foods. Because of its high concentration of isoflavones, red clover has some contraindications.
These substances can have serious side effects. For example, this plant should not be used by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also not recommended if you are taking anticoagulant or anti-platelet medication.