Medical imaging : The city of Kribi now has a scanner


The objective of the Lombat Samba Richard Foundation is to make medical imaging available to all at an acceptable price.

Catherine Aimée Biloa

The populations of the city of Kribi can now benefit from a state-of-the-art medical imaging service. After the regional hospital
of Edéa in 2021, it is around the city of Kribi to be equipped with a scanner. This is an initiative
of the Lombat Samba Richard Foundation. It will no longer be a question for the populations of the Ocean Department to travel to the cities of Douala or Yaounde in case of emergency for patients who require a scanner. For Dr Serge Lombat, medical imaging must be democratised by making it available to all at an acceptable price. The scanner is capable of performing a head examination in 10 to 15 seconds. The first diagnoses
in patients, expose a clearer vision on the anomaly. The first targets are stroke patients, who will be able to use the scanner to carry out a quick examination. During our discussion, Dr. Serge Lombat stated that the advantage of CT scanning is that it gives very precise information on the areas studied. It is used in particular to search for lesions that are not visible on ultrasound or on conventional X-rays. It is used for the management of various pathologies. This examination is applied to the exploration of the brain, the abdomen, the thoracic cage or the bones in order
to detect various anomalies: “haemorrhage, tumours, cysts, infections, ganglions”. Patients will also be able to follow up on certain treatments, particularly in cancerology. Technical platform The scanner will also be used to guide punctures in deep organs, or to define the path of a blood vessel or the location of an organ in relation to another. The objective of the Lombat Samba Richard Foundation is to provide the populations of the Ocean Department with quality health care. Emphasis is placed on medical imaging. Standard and specialised X-rays, highly equipped medical
analysis laboratory General medicine Occupational medicine Also benefit from services such as: Ultrasound – Obstetrical – Cardiac
– Mammary – Penile – Echoguidee. Since the announcement of this scanner, the population has been very happy with this project which solves the thorny problem of lack of technical facilities in several health facilities in the Ocean Department.