Malaria Control 2023 : PMI to fund Cameroon with approximately $24 millionPMI million


This amount will enable Cameroon to better reduce malaria-related mortality and morbidity.

Rostand TCHAMI

Since 2017, thanks to the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), Cameroon has already benefited from an investment of up to $134,500,000 in the fight against malaria. This investment has contributed to a 35% decrease in malaria-related child mortality
rates. During the briefing of media professionals on the issue, PMI’s action plan was presented by Aissata Fofana, PMI’s Technical
Advisor and Judith Hedje, CDC’s Technical Advisor. It emerged
that for the current year, PMI will continue to support most of the activities implemented in 2022.
But in addition to that, PMI will continue the localization program
and support to the National
Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in the following ways: Awarding 02 new projects, including
one project led by a local organization, with the goal of reducing
malaria-related morbidity and mortality by improving the capacity of the National Malaria Control Program and other local entities to lead malaria prevention,
control, and elimination in the Far North region; Support the National Malaria Control Program in the development of the Malaria Control Strategic Plan (2024-2024) and a funding request for the Global Financer, the new funding cycle (2023-2025); Provide support (equipment
and formative supervision) to 2104 existing community health workers for community integrated case management to improve access to populations.
Zero malaria
It should be noted that PMI’s annual budget varies from $22 million to $23.5 million. These investments
are not random, especially
since this year’s World Malaria
Day was celebrated under the theme: “It’s time to achieve zero malaria: invest, innovate, implement”.