Labour Day : Messamena Health District celebrates excellence

Under the high patronage of the Regional Delegate for Public Health in the East, Dr José Andjembe Essola, the Messamena Health District celebrated the 1st edition of the “Day of Excellence of the Messamena Health District”, under the patronage of the Administrator of the Regional Fund for Health Promotion in the East, Dr Floribert Mabouli
Murielle Esson Ebangue
The 137th edition of the International Labour Day was celebrated under the theme: “Resilience
and decent work: Working together in the world of work to improve living conditions and social inclusion”. On 30 April 2023, the staff who distinguished themselves by the quality of their services
were rewarded for their work. The humanisation of health care so much advocated by the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie is in full swing in the Messamena Health District. Indeed, at the end of the coordination meeting of the health services of the Eastern region organised and chaired by the Regional Delegate of Public Health of the East, there was an evaluation of the performance of the health districts of the entire Eastern region. This evaluation allowed the Messamena health district to be designated
the best among the 15 other health districts in this health region. “It was important for us to perpetuate this tradition initiated by the regional delegate by putting the health actors at the centre of the game. The CBS and I received congratulations in Abong-Mbang. It is therefore a question for us to share this joy received in front of the 14 other health districts to show you the importance of your work”, said Dr Serge LONFO, head of the Messamena health district. Before proceeding to the presentation of the various prizes, the audience was briefed on Universal Health Coverage. In a practical way, it was a question of presenting phase 1 of the UHC, the context, the objectives, the different options retained. But also, the beneficiaries,
the implementation structures, the delivery mechanism, the financing as well as the challenges that the UHC will have to face in the Eastern health region. While congratulating the head of the health district for the initiative of organising what he described as a “great event”, the Sub-Prefect did not hesitate to give advice to the recipients as well as to others who did not receive prizes. “This event is very well received because it helps to further motivate the staff who distinguish themselves by the quality of the service they provide. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the recipients for their service throughout
the past epidemiological year. Congratulations to you! Today you are recognised and I would like to take this opportunity to call on the other public service managers to create a holy emulation in the minds of all of you. When something is good, it should be praised,” said Yves Stanislas Zoua Minlo, Sub-Prefect of the Messamena District. The joy of the recipients For the various recipients, it was with joy, pride and honour that they welcomed these distinctions. “Receiving this award for us means understanding that the hierarchy admires our work. It is a source of pride to know that the work we do on a daily basis does not go unnoticed by our hierarchy,” said Magnidong Sandrine, Data Manager. “I see this as a reward for several years of work. I will continue to sensitise the population on all the actions carried out by MINSANTE in French and in the local language,” said Henri Tsad, communication focal point. The performance criteria were selected by the data managers. They are promptness, i.e. sending data on time, and the completeness and quality of the health data sent. “It is the health data that allows decisions to be made. It is thanks to it that the region responds effectively to all epidemics. It is the collection and analysis of data that allows the response to follow,” explains Dr Serge Lonfo. In addition to the letters of congratulations, the recipients received the following prizes. For the communities: a pair of boots, 1 manual sprayer, hydroalcoholic
gel, bleach, protective glasses and baby boxes. For the providers: solutions, hydro-alcoholic gel, trade winds, nose plugs, bleach. The district of Messamena is spread over 2 districts, namely : Messamena and Somalomo. With an area of 144,000 Km² for 33,934 inhabitants (i.e. 2 inhabitants per Km²), it has 14 health facilities, 1 district hospital and 01 CMA.