Hate speech on social networks : What the law says about tracking down hatemongersWhat hatemongers


Attackers are convicted of violence, in an organised gang if there are several of them. The charge can be increased if premeditation is recognised.

According to Laurent-Fabrice Zengue, social networks are vectors of a certain virality, the consequence of which is the infinite multiplication of the effects of apology of hatred and crime. Thus, existing sanctions should be increased, while certain
offences should be upgraded to crimes. The person who films the scene of an attack with his or her phone is considered an accomplice,
as the images infringe on the integrity of the person. According to the digital lawyer, Article 267 of the Cameroonian Penal Code punishes with imprisonment
of one to five years and a fine of ten thousand to twenty million francs any person who publicly advocates the crimes of murder, pillage, arson, The content of online public communication
networks continues to be flooded with impunity, in all likelihood, with content that promotes hatred, crime or terrorism.
But it is in fact a constellation
of other offences that revolve around the facts referred to in this article, such as simple threats, conditional threats, defamation,
insults, etc.
In criminal terms, the sanctions should be aimed at the author, his co-author and his accomplice
for the commission of acts constituting an apology for hatred, crime and terrorism, and at the host for failure to comply with its legal obligations. Depending
on the case, the defaulting host could be sentenced to imprisonment
for the manager, or to fines for individuals and legal entities in amounts sufficiently high to act as a deterrent. The aggressors are sentenced for acts of violence, in an organised gang if there are several of them. The charge can be increased if premeditation
is recognised. Online content sharing platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram,
Tik Tok have an obligation, as a host, to remove any illegal content as soon as it is reported.
Unfortunately, the videos often disappear after only a few days. And the damage is done because these videos can be saved and shared in private form. These platforms delete the user accounts
uploading these videos of aggression and can help the judicial authorities to apprehend them by passing on their personal
information (email address, phone numbers). Psychological problems, such as depression, guilt, feelings of anger and rage, fears, low self-esteem, shame, discouragement, suicidal and self-harming thoughts can occur in victims. We must therefore be very vigilant with these teenagers.
Elvis Serge NSAA