Clinical biology : Towards the setting up of a laboratory management in CameroonTowards Cameroon


This is one of the objectives of the 2nd Scientific Days of the Cameroon Society of Clinical Biology (SCBS) which is being held since May 2, 2023, and this, until today, May 4, 2023

Emmanuel Eboua

“For my part, I will be one of those who will defend the arrival of a laboratory directorate ». This is the promise of the Secretary General, representing the Ministry of Public Health at the opening of the 2nd Scientific Days of the Cameroon Society of Clinical Biology which has been held since May 2, 2023 in Yaounde. Well before the official opening ceremony, participants were given various presentations by experts and specialists in the sector. For example, they were discussed on the theme of “quality
assurance or quality management”.
“We are obliged to join the nomenclature of acts and to define the principles of pricing so that the danger of seeing each of the communes
managing a Cma, Csu does not make its own tariffs,” said the representative of the Minister of Public Health.
During the four days of exchange of expertise, activities are furnished around a main theme: “evolution of clinical biology in Cameroon: issues
and prospects”. Nevertheless, the president of the Scbc, Dr. Adelaide
Kouinche Matagne, was keen to give an overview of this health sector in Cameroon. “Between 2013 and 2022, our organisation was interested in the organisation of laboratories, the issue of training
and human resources, equipment,
reagents and consumables etc.,” she enumerated. It was revealed
that laboratories represent 60% of the patient care process in a hospital setting.
Classification of laboratories
At the end of the symposium, it is expected to agree on the need to set up a functional national network of laboratories, the respect
of ethics and professional deontology, the advocacy for a performing laboratory medicine in Cameroon, the considerable progress
made with the publication of the national policy document on laboratories, the document on standards and classification of laboratories in Cameroon. We should not lose sight of the fact that Cameroon has ratified the treaty that sets up the African Medicines