Autistic Inclusive education system would be the best therapy

Inclusive education aims to include all pupils in mainstream education, including those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This means that students with autism should have the opportunity to learn in mainstream classrooms with their typical peers, with the support they need to succeed.
Giscard has a son with autism, who started his studies at St Joachim de Nkol-Mbeck Catholic School in Yaoundé. He did not want to send his child to an autistic school because, according to the speech therapist who follows the child, he has the ability to adapt to his environment. So it would be better for little Henri to go to an inclusive school. Inclusive education aims to include all pupils in mainstream education, including those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). This means that autistic pupils should have the opportunity to learn in ordinary classes with their typical peers, with the support they need to succeed.
At the beginning, he couldn’t hold a pencil, didn’t play with his classmates, and used to have bowel movements on himself. It was his mum who was at his bedside. He has adapted to the inclusive education system in such a short time, to the point where he scribbles on blank paper. Despite his prowess, Henri communicates through gestures.
It has been difficult for this couple to go through this experience, as they have been made fun of because of ignorance of the condition. For some people, little Henri was a madman, for others he was a Mongolian. But today, many people are surprised by the child’s development. Today, Henri has become an indispensable part of the household. It’s up to the man to do everything. Today, he goes to the toilet by himself, and can carry out an errand using hand signals, as his dad says.
At home, Henri communicates by signs. What he can’t say with gestures, he points to and starts to cry. Little Henri’s family are noticing changes in him as he grows up. What he couldn’t do yesterday, he can do today, without difficulty. An autistic child, in his father’s opinion, is not a child in the vulgar sense of the word, a lost child or a child who is crazy. He’s a child who needs love and patience, and who needs to be supervised like any normal child.
Despite Henri’s language delay, Giscard has no regrets about putting his child in an inclusive school, because today his child is no longer that withdrawn little boy who didn’t want strangers near him, but instead participates in school activities with his classmates. Other parents today are amazed at how Giscard achieved such incredible results with his child without taking him to a special school.
So this dad explains that Henri has had brain tests to see if he has a mental health problem. He is monitored by a speech therapist. To manage his fits, the speech therapist prescribes the couple a syrup that helps the child to calm down and avoid hurting himself. Inclusive education enables children with autism to acquire the skills they need to succeed in adult life. Inclusive education enables autistic children to acquire the skills they need to succeed in adult life.
Danielle NGO NGEN (Journalism student on internship)